More Videos:How to Conduct a Meeting
How To Make A Motion
Seconding A Motion
Majority Voting
Video Testimonials
“As a member of a church where meetings follow Robert’s Rules of Order, I have found the video Parliamentary Procedures Made Simple: The Basics to be very helpful. IN clear detail this tape shows how to hold a meeting correctly and this has encouraged me to take more interest in meeting processes.
Barbara Frucci Charlotte, NC “This is a very valuable tool for teaching students the basic elements of parliamentary procedure. It is informative, stimulating and entertaining. Above all, it is a first-rate video production, and it is designed to stimulate interest in key principles of parliamentary procedure.” Dr. Donald Fishman -Department of Communication Boston College Chair, Commission on American Parliamentary Practice, 1993-1994 “This video is an excellent way to learn the basic principles of parliamentary procedure. I would like to have seen this video while serving as chairperson for various charitable organizations. However, I find this information is just as valuable to a participant in meetings. Knowing parliamentary procedure helps me ensure that my motions are fairly and properly disposed of”. J. Larry Clark - UAW Local 489 Delco Battery Muncie, IN “The Parliamentary Procedure Made Simple video is exactly what the title states. Parliamentary procedure is presented in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. The information is acted out, thus making it easier to remember and emulate in an actual meeting. This video would be useful especially for secondary students who need to learn how to conduct business meetings for various school clubs.” Kerry Turner Social Studies Teacher Yorktown Middle school Yorktown, IN Gary Gilliland, Attorney and Counselor at Law Greenville, North Carolina Robert McConnell Productions Mr. Robert McConnell, Ph.D. 4303 67th Ave NW Gig Harbor Wa 98335 Dear Bob, I have been viewing your excellent Motions videos. I can't begin to count the number of presiding officers I have known who were completely clueless about the matters you cover so clearly and memorably. These videos make the dry words of Robert's Rules of Order come to life in a way I've never experienced before. Usually only one side or the other knows how the procedures are supposed to work, and the results is a parliamentary disaster with the rights of either the minority or the majority trampled under a crushing weight of misunderstanding and fol-de-rol. The excellence of the video technical quality matches the parliamentary technical excellence, resulting in tapes of great value. I believe these tapes do more to make the intricacies of parliamentary motions practice accessible than the totals of all the other presentations with which I am familiar. Sincerely, Gary Gilliland "Your two volume video ALL ABOUT MOTIONS has been much help to me in studying for the National Association of Parliamentarians entrance test and in helping me understand how to participate and conduct orderly church business meetings and homeowners association meetings. Watching and hearing correct parliamentary procedure in action certain does simplify the learning and really gives hands on experience. Thank you for your dedicated and precise work in producing these most helpful teaching aids. Sincerely, Joyce Esgar Phoenix, AZ |